Her Story


The Coffee Table book and podcasts, Her Story - IIT Bombay Gen Zero Women, was conceived to celebrate the achievements of the women who graduated from IIT Bombay since inception till 1999. All of the women profiled in the book and podcasts have made stellar contributions to their chosen areas of expertise like research, business, education, technology, public service, and more.

A book and podcasts like Her Story – IIT Bombay Gen Zero Women are timely and essential. While the world slowly takes strides toward gender equality, there is still a significant divide in many fields, including within STEM in academia. Our sincere hope is that a book and podcasts series like this will ignite passion in young minds across the globe, especially young girls, and allow them to make their future at IIT Bombay.

The book and podcasts illustrate the journeys taken by these women over the past few decades by having in-depth and one-on-one conversations with each of them. It documents their lives – from the successes and challenges they faced on campus, to their subsequent professional and personal lives. They also explore how their educational journeys and networking experiences on campus, especially the personal connections with their hostel batch mates, enriched their lives and made them into the strong and powerful women they are today.